A revolutionary way to watch & bet on your favorite sports.
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An experience like never before
Gone are the days of using multiple devices and apps to watch sports. With Betty, you can get live updates and wager bets all at the same time.
Connect your account
Seamlessly connect to any of your existing sportsbooks, all while watching sports live.
Home feed
Stay up to date with the latest games, lines, and hot picks, latest news, weather, stocks, and more.
Lines in real time
Know when to double down or hedge your bets and see how the line moves as you watch.
Voice assistant
Say "hey Betty" to control your wallet and place bets or cash out with an ai-driven voice assistant.
Sports & teams updates
Get updates across all teams and live sports.
Never miss a moment
Stay connected a never miss out on a viral moment.
Dual screen
A gorgeous, dual screen design combining a 55” 4K HDR Theater Display with a second Smart Screen.
Feel like you’re in the stands or on the field
Seamlessly integrated. 6 speakers.
Excellent bass.